
Interested in volunteering?
Volunteers who can take their time to provide coloured pages, note cards or cards are always welcome. Please get in touch and complete the form that will be sent out to you to take the next step.

Want to receive mail?
If you, or someone you know, is suffering with low mood, isolation, lonliness, poor mobility or chronic illness and could do with a pick me up from our creative and passionate volunteers please join us. Contact us and complete the form that will be sent out to you to take the next step.

We have a few basic, simple rules to keep everyone safe.
These are:
- all submissions will be checked before being sent to our recipients
- no religious wording, images, symbols
- nothing offensive, stereotyping or discriminatory
- no swearing
- no offensive symbols
- no names, addresses, phone numbers or contact details
- this is for uplifting, short notes and cards, not for you long letter writers out there
- no names or addresses will be exchanged at any time
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